Department of Operations Administration and Finance
The main tasks of the department are:
- To ensure that legal acts and other documents prepared by the Office of the Chief Archivist of Lithuania (LVAT) comply with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, other legal acts, and legal technical requirements.
- To assist the Chief Archivist of Lithuania in formulating personnel management policy, participate in personnel management, in shaping the organizational culture of the institution, organizing human resource development of the LVAT, and ensuring the implementation of the Civil Service Law of the Republic of Lithuania and related legal acts in the LVAT and state archives.
- To organize and coordinate the economic activities of the LVAT, create appropriate working conditions for LVAT civil servants and employees working under employment contracts, and ensure their work and health safety, organize the management and administration of LVAT property.
- To implement the financial and accounting policy of the LVAT, aimed at the lawful, economical, efficient, and effective use of assigned appropriations and property, and to perform control of the budget funds execution of the LVAT and state archives.
- To strive for the effective implementation of strategic planning, rational use of budget appropriations, ensure the preparation of LVAT strategic action plans, and monitor their implementation.
- To assist the Chief Archivist of Lithuania in preparing and implementing communication, information dissemination, and publicity strategy of the LVAT and state archives.
In carrying out its assigned tasks, the department performs the following functions:
- Analyzes the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, other legal acts within its competence, and makes proposals for their implementation to the Chief Archivist of Lithuania.
- Evaluates legal act projects prepared by other institutions and agencies and submitted for coordination in accordance with legal procedures, provides comments and suggestions; assesses and visualizes contracts made with physical and legal persons by the LVAT.
- Prepares legal act projects or participates in their preparation, evaluates legal act projects prepared by the LVAT administration departments.
- Performs corruption prevention and control in the LVAT.
- Represents the LVAT in courts and prepares procedural documents as authorized.
- Coordinates the issuance of licenses for document storage services to legal and physical persons, conducts inspections of the licensees.
- Examines complaints, requests, and statements from private and legal persons on behalf of the Chief Archivist of Lithuania.
- Participates in the activities of the EU Council Information Working Group, presents the positions of the Republic of Lithuania on document and archive management issues.
- Consults LVAT personnel and state archives on legal, personnel, state archives buildings, and document storage facilities operation issues.
- Controls the implementation of personal data protection processes in the LVAT and state archives.
- Taking into account the strategic goals and tasks of the LVAT, makes proposals to the Chief Archivist of Lithuania regarding the human resource needs of the LVAT and state archives, the number of civil servant and employee positions, without exceeding the maximum allowed number of positions approved by the Government, and improving the organization of service or work in the LVAT and state archives.
- Assists the Chief Archivist of Lithuania in forming staff composition, creating and implementing a personnel motivation system, prepares personnel position lists, collects, and submits information to the National General Functions Center necessary for the annual vacation schedules of LVAT civil servants and employees working under employment contracts, and directors of state archives.
- Submits proposals to the Chief Archivist of Lithuania on LVAT personnel training priorities.
- Controls compliance with personnel behavior and professional ethics norms, internal order rules, and makes suggestions to the Chief Archivist of Lithuania on labor discipline, improving work and service conditions in the institution.
- Organizes the appointment and dismissal of LVAT personnel and directors of state archives, manages their personal files.
- Assists personnel in implementing their career rights, organizes the evaluation of official activities of LVAT civil servants and directors of state archives.
- Organizes procedures for ensuring the reliability of personnel handling classified information.
- Performs functions related to preparing for the implementation of the state mobilization task assigned to the LVAT.
- Assists the Chief Archivist of Lithuania in controlling how individuals working in civil service comply with the provisions of the Law on Coordination of Public and Private Interests in Civil Service of the Republic of Lithuania.
- Organizes the maintenance and proper operation of LVAT premises and official transport.
- Performs short-term and long-term property maintenance.
- Makes proposals for the operation of LVAT and state archives buildings and document storage facilities.
- Participates in preparing renovation and investment projects for LVAT and state archives buildings, participates in implementing investment programs and ensures accurate use of funds, their accounting, and control.
- Controls how state archives and legal or physical persons providing document storage services comply with legal requirements for document storage, storage facilities setup.
- Organizes LVAT public procurement planning, analyzes LVAT needs for public procurements, conducts LVAT public procurements.
- Performs procedures and measures related to LVAT employee safety and health, fire safety of buildings.
- Organizes and coordinates LVAT document management, manages the LVAT archive.
- Prepares budgetary appropriations for LVAT programs, other funds expenditure estimates, and submits them to the Ministry of Finance's Budget Department.
- Submits proposals for calculating the funds needed to implement state archive programs, prepares estimate projects according to programs.
- Performs LVAT preliminary, ongoing, and subsequent financial control.
- Participates in the analysis of financial accountability documents.
- Prepares certificates about the insurable earnings of former employees, whose personal cards for salary calculation are stored in the LVAT archive, necessary for obtaining a state social insurance pension.
- Organizes annual inventory or handover when changing materially responsible (responsible) persons.
- Initiates the preparation of LVAT strategic action plan projects, other planning documents, and participates in their preparation as established by legal acts.
- Systematizes and summarizes information provided by the LVAT administration departments and state archives, evaluates state archives activity reports together with other LVAT administration departments.
- Analyzes and evaluates the activity plans of state archives and makes suggestions for their improvement.
- Participates in calculating the state budget funds needed to perform the archive document function transferred to municipalities.
- Organizes and coordinates communication, information dissemination, and publicity activities of the LVAT and state archives, prepares informational messages for the public in Lithuanian and English, when necessary prepares press releases, responses to journalists' inquiries.
- Organizes LVAT events, visits of LVAT guests, and, if necessary, coordinates events of state archive system institutions.
- Manages the content of the LVAT website and social network accounts, prepares and publishes informational messages for publicizing the activities of the LVAT and state archives, consults on these issues with state archive website administrators.
- Participates in the activities of commissions and working groups formed by the Chief Archivist of Lithuania within its competence.
- Performs other functions established by legal acts and assignments entrusted by the Chief Archivist of Lithuania.
Last updated: 30-01-2024