Department of Document and Archive Management and Usage

The main tasks of the department are:

  • To assist the Chief Archivist of Lithuania in participating in the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of document management, including electronic documents and other documents accessible only by special equipment (hereinafter referred to as documents), and archives management.
  • To assist the Chief Archivist of Lithuania in implementing state administration in the field of archives and documents.

In carrying out its assigned tasks, the department performs the following functions:

  • Prepares or participates in the preparation of legal act projects related to state administration in the field of archives and documents.
  • Participates, within its competence, in ensuring the implementation of European Union legal acts in the field of document management in Lithuania.
  • Provides coordination opinions on legal act projects and other documents related to archives and document management policy prepared by other state institutions and agencies.
  • Assesses accounting documents submitted by state archives through the Electronic Archive Information System, providing comments or suggestions.
  • Proposes to the Chief Archivist of Lithuania regarding the transfer of operational documents of state and municipal institutions, agencies, and companies to state archives for permanent storage, and regarding the permanent storage of documents.
  • Prepares and amends the list of state and municipal institutions, agencies, and companies transferring documents to state archives for permanent storage.
  • Prepares projects of retention schedules for internal administration documents of state and municipal institutions, agencies, and companies, documents of non-governmental organizations, and private legal entities, as defined by normative legal acts, and evaluates retention schedule projects prepared by central state administration entities in their respective areas.
  • Assists the Chief Archivist of Lithuania in forming uniform document management practice in state and municipal institutions, agencies, and companies.
  • Monitors how state archives supervise the implementation of document and archives management requirements set out in legal acts.
  • Assists the Chief Archivist of Lithuania in controlling the administration of the National Document Fund.
  • Coordinates the collection and preservation of Lithuanian film heritage within the competence of the Office of the Chief Archivist of Lithuania.
  • Provides information and consultations to state archives, other state and municipal institutions, agencies, and companies on legal act application issues, forming uniform document management practice.
  • Provides information on document and archives management issues to non-governmental organizations and private legal entities.
  • Represents Lithuanian interests in the institutions of the European Union and their working bodies within its competence, maintains relations, and cooperates with corresponding institutions of foreign states and international organizations.
  • Participates in preparing strategic activity and annual activity plans of the Office of the Chief Archivist of Lithuania.
  • Evaluates activity plans and reports of state archives within the department's competence.
  • Participates in commissions and working groups formed by the Chief Archivist of Lithuania within its competence.
  • Performs other functions established by legal acts and assignments entrusted by the Chief Archivist of Lithuania.

Last updated: 30-01-2024