The employee performs the following functions:
- Informs LVAT and state archives employees about their obligations in processing personal data according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other Lithuanian Republic data protection legal acts, and consults them on these matters.
- Monitors compliance with legal acts regulating personal data protection in LVAT and state archives.
- Advises LVAT and state archives employees on data protection impact assessments and coordinates these assessments.
- Participates in committees, working groups, consultations, and meetings related to personal data protection in LVAT and state archives.
- Prepares legal act projects regulating the implementation of personal data protection in LVAT and state archives.
- Acts as a contact person in cooperation with the State Data Protection Inspectorate of the Republic of Lithuania and other data protection entities.
- Examines and prepares responses to received letters, requests, and complaints on personal data protection issues.
- Executes other non-permanent tasks related to LVAT functions as assigned by the department head and the Chief Archivist of Lithuania to achieve the institution's strategic goals.
The employee holding these positions must meet the following special requirements:
- Have a higher university education in law or equivalent in the field of social sciences.
- Have no less than 5 years of work experience in state archives, dealing with issues of access to documents and their use.
- Be knowledgeable about the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, laws of the Republic of Lithuania, resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, and other legal acts regulating personal data protection, public administration, document and archive management, information protection and provision, and recommendations for the preparation of laws and other legal acts.
- Be familiar with the specifics of transposing European Union legal acts into national law.
- Be able to manage, accumulate, analyze, systematize, and summarize received information, and prepare conclusions and suggestions.
- Be able to independently choose work methods, plan and organize their work, quickly understand situations, and make decisions.
- Be able to fluently express thoughts in writing and verbally in the state language, know the general requirements for the preparation and formalization of legal acts and other documents.
- Have computer literacy skills (proficient in using Microsoft Office suite).