The employee performs the following functions:
- Proposes recommendations to the department head regarding the repair, renovation, expansion, and construction of state archive buildings and document repositories.
- Prepares legal act projects and provides comments and suggestions on legal normative act projects to be coordinated, within their competence.
- Provides information about the use of state funds for implemented investment projects.
- Participates in overseeing how state archives comply with the requirements set by legal normative acts for document repositories and building operation.
- Participates in conducting technical assessments of document repositories in institutions and establishments supervised by state archives.
- Evaluates documents submitted for licenses to provide document storage services, ensuring compliance with established requirements.
- Participates in planned and unplanned inspections of document storage license holders.
- Organizes and conducts low-value purchases.
- Prepares documents for purchases regulated by the Public Procurement Law, the LVAT procurement plan and summaries, submits public procurement reports and other necessary information related to LVAT public procurements.
- Performs procedures set by legal normative acts related to LVAT employee safety, building operation, and fire safety.
- Provides necessary data in the State Property Information Search System, within their competence.
- Analyzes, summarizes, and makes recommendations to LVAT management for better provision of workplaces with office equipment and stationery, better use of equipment, inventory, and other material assets, protection, economical use of electricity, heating, and water, and other issues related to the department's activities.
- Provides consultations to state archives within their competence.
- Executes other non-permanent tasks related to LVAT functions as assigned by the Chief Archivist of Lithuania and the department head to achieve LVAT's strategic goals.
The employee must meet the following special requirements:
- Have a higher education or equivalent.
- Be knowledgeable about the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, laws of the Republic of Lithuania, and other normative legal acts regulating the competence and tasks of the state archives system, public procurements, labor, and fire safety.
- Know the requirements for document storage, arrangement and operation of repositories and buildings.
- Be able to fluently express thoughts in writing and verbally in the state language, have computer literacy skills (proficient in using Microsoft Office suite), and be knowledgeable in document preparation and formalization requirements.
- Be able to manage, systematize, and summarize information, prepare conclusions.
- Be able to independently plan and organize their work.