
Invitation to participate in a conference about archives

Kaunas Regional State Archives and The Office of the Chief Archivist of Lithuania organize conference “Archives and archivists in the face of present challenges”. 

Conference about documentary heritage preservation and documents management is organized every two years. Academics, archivists, scientists, researchers are among the participants of the conference.

The purpose of the conference is to exchange the good experience and news from the field of document management sector. It is expected to discuss archives’ (institutions and collections) history, accumulation, dissemination issues, identity of archivists, archival services and unexploited opportunities.

Conference Date: 27th June, 2023. Further information will be available soon.

Place: Kaunas

More information (in Lithuanian language): https://archyvai.lt/lt/konferencija-isblaskytas-dokumentinis-ak9j.html