Archivist invites to the step challenge “The past – to the future”
The Office of the chief archivist of Lithuania and State archives of Lithuania invites to remember 700th anniversary of Vilnius and take up the steps challenge “The past – to the future” (liet. „Praeitis – ateičiai“) and change your steps to the achievements.
The Office of the chief archivist of Lithuania and State archives of Lithuania have been inviting to hike for the last three years. Community is invited to get to know more about the most important historical facts of Lithuania. Usually steps challenge starts on the 16th of February and continues until 11 of March. But this year is special. This year we are collecting our steps until the 3rd of May. That is how we remember the constitutions of Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth which was signed in 1791.
Hikers can join one of 11 teams. The leader of the best team will be awarded every month. The app walk15 will count our steps. This app, also, helps us to choose the most beautiful routs in Vilnius and Lithuania.
Together we made more than 600 km in 2021. This year our purpose to walk around the globe and we hope to do that more than once.
Lets take the app walk15 or scan the QR, write password „archyvai” and lets get started.
Last updated: 15-02-2023
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